
White Papers

Strategy or Strategic Plan?

Many companies have strategic plans, but that doesn't mean they have strategies. Too often, they're just operational plans, says UCLA Anderson School of Management strategy professor Richard Rumelt. McKinsey Quarterly talked to the giant of strategic thinking about the difference. 

HomeBiz TV

This televised program for home and small businesses offers video modules featuring advice from Knowpreneur principal Tony Wanless (in his alternative role as "The Cheap Guy") on various aspects of business management. Together they form a course in small business operation.

What Financiers Look For In A Business Plan

It can be hard composing a business plan when you don't know what financiers want. So here's a form used by some of the top VC's in the country to evaluate a plan. 

A Guide to Financing Expansion

Whether you're a for-profit or a non-profit organization, the imperative today is to grow. But growth strategies require financing, and this often appears to be a confusing thicket of options for most managers. Knowpreneur associate Sativa Quinn has reached into her wide fundraising background to put together a guide to financing options for knowledge-based organizations.. 

All White Papers

Case Studies: Is This Your Business?

Question: We are trying to write a mission statement for our company. But most of the ones I see are innocuous and insipid. Isn't a mission supposed to be more than that? More...

Question: Our consulting company’s mission is to assist individuals to maximize their potential through the refinement of their personal image. Our target market involves high-earning corporate professionals. How do we market a service this specialized? More...

Question: Our business is a service, and it's harder to sell something you can't see. We've collected testimonials from satisfied clients, but that is not enough. How do we convince prospects of the benefits or results that will come from our services? How do we market services? More...

Question: How do you convince your boss that succession planning is important? He/she is always dealing with right now and refuses to think about the future. More...

Question: What can be done to verify if there is a market for a product you are developing when you are still at the applied research stage... More...

Question: When a company introduces a new product to the market, the first group to try it usually are the bold, adventuresome types; how do I identify these people? More...

(c) 2004, KnowPreneur Consultants


SMEs Living In A Bubble


by Tony Wanless October 2007 Small Business, Financial Post

Financing disappearing for Tech entrepreneurs


by Tony Wanless April 2007 Entrepreneur, Financial Post

Business plans just a guideline:
Investors really want to know if you can run the show

By Tony Wanless January 2007 Entrepreneur, Financial Post,   

Sad Story: An entrepreneurial venture fails


November 2006, BC Business Magazine

Chart A Backup Course Or Risk Going Under


July 2006, BC Business Magazine

Plan Right: Consultants need business management plans


By Tony Wanless, October 4, 2005, Management Consulting News

Go Virtual: Manage a global business from your bedroom


 April 2006, BC Business Magazine

Angels come in from the Shadows


April 2005 -- National Angel Organization

Billable Hours Model Disappearing

February 2004 -- Financial Post

Angels Are Not Tooth Fairies 

October 6, 2003 -- Financial Post

Thou Art My Customer -- Client Service Ideas That Deliver

2003 -- E-Profit Magazine,
Business Development Bank of Canada,