White Papers
or Strategic Plan?
Many companies have strategic
plans, but that doesn't mean they have strategies. Too often, they're just
operational plans, says UCLA Anderson School of Management strategy
professor Richard Rumelt. McKinsey Quarterly talked to the giant of
strategic thinking about the difference.
Guide to Financing Expansion
Whether you're a for-profit
or a non-profit organization, the imperative today is to grow. But growth
strategies require financing, and this often appears to be a confusing
thicket of options for most managers. Knowpreneur associate Sativa Quinn has
reached into her wide fundraising background to put together a guide to
financing options for knowledge-based organizations..
Knows Whom and Who Knows What
Social Network
Analysis, or SNA, is becoming an essential tool for determining how
knowledge flows through an organization. Companies are maximizing their
collective smarts by accessing employees' personal connections which can be
as valuable as their individual knowledge bases.
for flexibility!
This PowerPoint
speech outlines the basics of scenario planning and risk management and
tailors it to the needs of SME's. While most larger companies continually
undertake risk management, SME's rarely do. That's partly because they
haven't the time to bother, but also because their risks are different. In
fact, it could be argued that risk management planning is even more
important for smaller businesses because they live closer to the edge.
needs a strategic plan? Everybody!. PDF: 37.6KB
Most companies and organizations need
a vision and a strategic plan, but few have it. But operations that want to stop fire fighting and bring alignment
and co-ordination around improvement initiatives require a vision and
strategic plan that identifies barriers and clarifies
actions required to break down those barriers. In this white paper, the BPR Learning Center
shows you how.
Reigniting Your Inner Innovator PDF: 71.2KB
Our innovation expert Linda Bartz has put together a paper that is badly needed in this hurry-up world of
business. In Reigniting Your Inner Innovator, Linda shows businesses that have become weighed down by
the day-to-day how to revitalize the innovation process. Remember when business was fun and make it
happen again, Linda advises.
Managing the Knowledge Worker PDF: 94.5KB
Human Resources expert Cissy Pau has turned her talents to the needs of the knowledge worker in her
informative paper, Managing The Knowledge Worker. Cissy, who has been through the expansions and
shrinkages common to knowledge businesses, guides managers through the tricky process of leading
knowledge workers in the new century.
Project Future Form - Knowledge Work PDF: 57.0KB
This very interesting paper from Australia examines the developing trends regarding work in the Information
Age - how knowledge is created, how it is shaped, and how it is transforming the very nature of work. Oh,
and it also has an interesting take on the furniture you'll be using in 10 years.
(c) 2004, KnowPreneur Consultants