Collaborative Consulting and Coaching Services

Knowpreneur most often helps businesses, associations and not for profits commercialize their expertise in new and different ways. We do it through services such as:


The Business Advancement Program (BAP)

BAP is the primary Knowpreneur service. It's a methodical management approach for organizations that hope to grow by adding new streams of income. They may be trying to change a service or product line, productize a service, or add a service to a product.   

Here's the BAP process:

  • Step 1: Taking a market-oriented, or commercial, view, we'll identify and gather relevant information about all aspects of your business.
  • Step 2: We'll use analytical tools to organize information into knowledge that creates strategic options.
  • Step 3: We'll help identify the best option and then synthesize the analysis into what must be done to pursue it. 
  • Step 4: We'll work with you to identify and conquer obstacles that might get in the way.


More Services:

Applied Creativity: The Trained Brain

When you're occupied by tasks all day, it can be hard to suddenly switch to "creative" thinking that generates new and exciting ideas. It's a natural human trait to think on train tracks, especially in a group session involving the same people you work with every day. Therefore, Knowpreneur often acts as the "trained brain" -- the disruptor who gets people out of their familiar thought channels and into new and different ways of creative thinking. 

Innovation Facilitation: A Series Of Processes

Generating ideas is a wonderful process. But it's useless if you don't have processes in place to evaluate those ideas, pick those most likely to achieve your innovation objectives, and then develop them to the point where they produce results. Knowpreneur shows you how to set up an innovation machine in your organization.  

Strategic Planning 

All organizations need to plan constantly. But the entrepreneur's trap is that you can be too busy running your  business to identify its problems, find solutions, or plan its future. Let  Knowpreneur help you envision and think it out. We're experienced visionaries and thinkers and are also practical designers of plans that work. 

Business Planning

Although they're most often designed for start-up or expanding organizations, business plans are also becoming more common among organizational departments and divisions planning specific projects. There's a particular methodology to designing a winning business plan and Knowpreneur understands it implicitly. We not only prepare and write them, we train  and judge them for college and university entrepreneur training programs.


Funding is THE leading issue for growing entrepreneurial organizations, whether for profit or not for profit. Knowpreneur can help your organization identify appropriate financial resources and then prepare you to gain access to them. Our team includes experts in tax credit assistance, venture capital, lending, proposal preparation and grant applications. We have also established links with private lenders and investors.  


No matter how great your product or service, the truth is that if you build it, they probably won't come.  So you're going to have to go out and tell them about it. But surveys have shown that more than half of businesses identify marketing as their number one problem. In the new world of knowledge products, multiple messaging and numerous sales channels, Knowpreneur specializes in the how, why, and what of marketing. 

Product and Service Development

Many organizations are outcome-focused instead of market-oriented. They often develop products and services based on their expertise or research, and not on what the market needs or wants. The result: Commercialization becomes an afterthought to the research. But as R&D becomes more crucial, the two disciplines have to be integrated. Knowpreneur helps product and services teams  put the two aspects in sync. 

``Tony's business knowledge and insight coupled with his strong commitment and caring for clients and associates, are valuable qualities in this modern ''too busy'' world of commerce. For some time, he has acted for me as a sounding board, a source of expertise, and a provider of practical advice. His calm manner, keen sense of humour, extensive knowledge, and genuine interest in who you are and what you are doing, truly set Tony apart.''

Frances McGuckin, CEO: Services, Eastleigh Publications,
Business Consultant, Professional Speaker, Author




    Vancouver, BC, Canada


(c) 2004, Knowpreneur Consultants