Tag Archives: B2B entrepreneur

Organize Complex Content With Mind Maps
Posted on 14. Nov, 2011 by twanless.
Do you cringe at the thought of creating complex content for posting in e-books, white papers, case studies, articles, or analytical reports ? It’s no wonder: These tasks are very large organizational projects made even more difficult when the content involves scientific, technical, or business writing. Not only do you have to create a cogent [...]
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Nurture The Complex Sale With Deep Content
Posted on 26. Apr, 2011 by twanless.
If a world-class physics research center can get its complex content in the media, most B2B marketers can get noticed as well. Here are three ways to do it. A recent article about the European CERN physics research center that actually made it into a newspaper tells you all you need to know about how [...]
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Layer To Sell Complex Ideas
Posted on 01. Apr, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
This post was previously published in a Financial Post column Minding Your Business, Dec. 27, 2010. Author Tony Wanless writes a monthly column for the newspaper. Entrepreneurs who make the transition from corporate worker to independent business operator invariably face one major hurdle that hobbles their business in the early years. They don’t know how to [...]