Tag Archives: business operation

Layer To Sell Complex Ideas
Posted on 01. Apr, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
This post was previously published in a Financial Post column Minding Your Business, Dec. 27, 2010. Author Tony Wanless writes a monthly column for the newspaper. Entrepreneurs who make the transition from corporate worker to independent business operator invariably face one major hurdle that hobbles their business in the early years. They don’t know how to [...]
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How To Sell Your Expertise While You Work
Posted on 22. Nov, 2010 by Tony Wanless.
Conquer the the marketing-vs-producing trade off in your professional business. Create content to produce revenue and market your expert services while you continue with your usual work. Most knowledge and professional businesses have long relied almost exclusively on referrals as their primary lead-generation vehicle. The reasoning goes that because a referral is the most trusted [...]
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Posted on 06. Feb, 2010 by Tony Wanless.
For original post, go to www.reinventionistblog.net New Game, New Plan For Successful Reinvention, Use New Business Methods In a recent survey reported by the Financial Post, one in three Canadians said they were interested in starting their own business in the next two years. Of that group, 35% said they’re going to follow through with [...]