Tag Archives: structuring information

Organize Complex Content With Mind Maps
Posted on 14. Nov, 2011 by twanless.
Do you cringe at the thought of creating complex content for posting in e-books, white papers, case studies, articles, or analytical reports ? It’s no wonder: These tasks are very large organizational projects made even more difficult when the content involves scientific, technical, or business writing. Not only do you have to create a cogent [...]
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Pain Relief: Will An Aspirin Do?
Posted on 07. Sep, 2011 by twanless.
Here’s a writing tip for all B2B content producers: Pick your words and labels carefully and ensure they’re appropriate for the target user. All writers have a standard set of words they employ on a regular basis, often without thought: Writers of content are no different. Especially in the Business to Business content marketing sphere, [...]
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Bookstrapping Thought Leadership
Posted on 28. Jul, 2011 by twanless.
There is no better thought leadership content than a book. While the traditional book as we think about is the ultimate thought leadership vehicle, it doesn’t particularly have to be as traditional as paper. Today it’s often much better to produce an e-book, which is less expensive, more immediate and has almost the [...]
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Tame The Informational Content Monster: Hire A Journalist.
Posted on 30. Jun, 2011 by twanless.
Most businesses today constantly receive and send content. And most of them think it’s all about the presentation,as if it’s just another sales process. But content is the marshalling of information to persuade and/or train. The best people at that are journalists. Over at the Poynter Institute, blogger Jill Geisner, in her post, Ten Reasons [...]